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Apprenticeship, SerNet, Events, 2024

From theory to practice: trainees take the helm

Authors: Caroline Ahlborn and Alina Schnur

SerNet GmbH once again took an unusual approach at this year's Göttinger Berufsinformationstag (GöBit) on 24.04.2024: The company not only presented the opportunities for training and studying at the trade fair - but also gave the current technical trainees and commercial dual students the planning and implementation as a project in their own hands. This approach enabled the junior staff to gain valuable practical experience, from the initial stand booking to the design and creation of appealing advertising materials and the final follow-up of the event. As a result, they contributed to a successful trade fair appearance in the Lokhalle and at the same time gained deeper insights into the various departments.

SerNet has been represented at GöBit for many years. The team regularly presents the apprenticeships in IT systems integration and application development and the dual study program in business administration in cooperation with the VWA. It was therefore clear that the IT security specialists wanted to be there again in 2024 with an information stand. However, a lot had to be done before this could happen: The project kicked off with the stand booking four months before the actual event.

Professional knowledge for the SerNet quiz

Jonas Reineke programmed the SerNet quiz as a trainee project back in 2016. He is now a team leader at SerNet and a trainer himself - so while a lot has changed for him, his quiz was back at the stand in 2024. The trainees worked with the dual students to create puzzle questions about their professions in advance and assembled the computer on site. They also selected and procured the prizes that participants could win themselves.

Creativity for the marketing materials

The young talents also created the marketing materials such as postcards and flyers for GöBit. They were able to handle everything themselves, from the idea to the graphic design and printing. They also learned a lot about graphics and how to create them.

The trainees and dual students also took on the ideas and implementation of the social media post independently. The task was to create an appealing post for the GöBit Instagram profile. A total of four images were created about the typical tasks of the training professions and a group photo. The talented young people were able to showcase their creativity in the idea and its implementation and work together as a team.

Working together for a vibrant trade fair appearance

The SerNet training team organized a workshop with the trainees and dual students to prepare them for contact with potential interested parties at GöBit. Topics included how to approach people. Everyone also learned more about how training works in the various departments.

Finally, the day of the event had arrived: One hour before the Lokhalle opened its doors to all GöBit visitors, the "early shift" set up the SerNet stand. Among other things, they positioned a stand, the quiz computer and advertising materials - a task that was completely new for most of them and far removed from their everyday work. And yet, the technical trainees report that it was exciting for them to help shape the entire process, including the set-up, and also to talk to other exhibitors. This showed, for example, that it is not a matter of course for junior staff to be given so much scope for planning.

On site for SerNet were Saskia Ripplinger, Alma Altergott, Sven Kreisch, Alina Schnur, Jona and Fynn Köhler, Marius Meyer, Lana Ellermeier and Jannik Jessulat - accompanied by their trainers Reinhild Jung, Corinna Klawonn and Jonas Reineke. During the fair, young people and parents were able to ask them any questions that were on their minds. The content of the workshop could be put directly into practice. In addition to great conversations, the quiz computer was a highlight at the stand, which was a lot of fun for our organizers as well as the GöBit visitors.

Success story: reflection and feedback

Five hours of GöBit went by in a flash, the SerNet stand was always well attended - and it was already time to dismantle. The long period of planning and organization in advance resulted in a successful outcome that everyone can be proud of. Thinking outside the box provided exciting insights and, incidentally, promoted many skills from project organization to soft skills and independent work, which everyone can now transfer to other areas.

In a final meeting, the junior staff reviewed the project and looked for potential improvements for next year. In general, however, everyone was satisfied: "The project was a lot of fun with the weekly meetings," reports Saskia Ripplinger, a first-year dual student. She concludes: "We all worked well together as a team."

And at the end, the team even created this project report.


Team picture
Achievement unlocked: The entire team at GöBit 2024
Social media: These pictures were taken for the GöBit Instagram channel...
...and provided with SerNet graphics and information.
SerNet-Flyer for GöBit
Everything important in the flyer: This year, the junior staff have adapted the training flyer to SerNet's new corporate design.
 SerNet postcard for GöBit
verinice postcard: The postcard with brief information has also been revised.
SerNet stand set up
Ready for the day: The team has finished setting up the stand - including the quiz computer.
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