Service level agreements
SerNet works in all support contracts according to "best effort", i.e. as fast as possible. This is sufficient in the vast majority of cases, even if the need arises in the middle of the night and we take action immediately the following morning. However, if our customers require access to our support at any time around the clock, a corresponding contract is concluded:
The response time then agreed upon is the amount of time that can pass before someone from SerNet begins the reported troubleshooting of an incident. This response time can be agreed with SerNet down to one hour around the clock. If it can be a little longer, it will be cheaper ...
The answer time in the contract is the period of time, usually 24 or 48 hours, in which SerNet can provide either a solution, a workaround or a statement of non-solvability. The last case may arise when our customers encounter a software bug or even a hardware problem that the suppliers cannot solve within 1-2 days.
SerNet's emergency team can be reached at any time outside business hours via a phone number agreed with our customers.