Responsibility in action

Promote independent learning

Through its own projects, SerNet enables trainees to learn independently and with scope to work on content, as well as to grow through challenges.

For example, the trainees take on smaller projects, such as on the topic of energy or the possibility of environmentally friendly behavior in the company. To this end, they independently developed various approaches and then presented them. Some of these have been incorporated into SerNet's day-to-day work.


Since 2015, SerNet has been organizing the Linux.Camp. During the summer vacations, it offers students the opportunity to get a taste of the Linux world.

Our trainees are also required here to plan and supervise the camp as independently as possible, with appropriate supervision. This includes the creation of the program, the advertising at the schools and the coordination of the participants, the compilation of the required work material, the organization of the concrete camp week and ultimately also the design of the individual learning units.

Girls' Day

Our trainees take on similar tasks for the Girls' Day or Future Day. The aim here is to bring young schoolgirls closer to careers in IT and possibly to reduce fears of contact.

Here too, the trainees design the supporting program for the day, such as in April 2024 (link to report).

Chemnitz Linux Days

The SerNet presence at the Chemnitz Linux Days is also one of the apprentice projects.

For this, the trainees prepare a small SerNet information booth in cooperation with Marketing and contribute their own contributions to the lecture program, e.g. on their graduation projects (examples: Vanessa Rex on "Logfile Analysis with ELK Server", Nils Harmann to "Rescue Pi: The mobile PXE server for on the road"). At the same time, they get to talk to interested parties at the booth about SerNet itself and the product portfolio, which not only allows them to showcase their technical knowledge but also to practice soft skills that will help when dealing with customers in the future.

Advancing science

SerNet supports a variety of institutions in Göttingen and beyond with regular sponsorship:

These institutions also pursue our goals - the promotion of science and the establishment of a regional science community: Initiatives such as the Wichert'sche Erdbebenwarte, for example, make it possible to gain insights into special scientific topics. In this way, they bring interest and fun in scientific topics to society.

Promoting diversity, creating equal opportunities

Diversity Management (DiV)

The diversity of modern society, influenced by globalization and demographic change, is shaping business life and society in Germany. SerNet is facing up to the changes as well as the new needs in the market and sees both as opportunities.

With our DiV implementation, we aim to align HR and organizational processes with a contemporary work environment that is free of prejudice and barriers. Our measures include:

  • Our annual participation in Girls' Day, with which we aim to get more young women interested in IT,
  • increasing the proportion of female colleagues to male colleagues,
  • valuing personalities and promoting them in their diversity with different skills, potentials and talents, regardless of nationality, origin, religion, sexual orientation or possible limitation,
  • reflect our marketing strategy as well as the leadership mission statement.

A <3 for SerNet

We do not encourage employee recruitment or retention through false promises, unrealistic budgets or performance pressure. We are looking for people who are passionate about what SerNet does and how we do it, so that we can develop together and drive our goals forward. We don't insist on a perfect age or education - we are enthusiastic about IT-savvy people who fit in with us and want to contribute their potential to a trusting and responsible team. If our message and motivation is the same, we always find ways to tackle new tasks or challenges together. Despite constant organizational changes, our goal always remains the same: to believe in and invest in our colleagues!

For body and mind

Support health

The mental and physical health of our employees is important to us. We ensure an appropriately designed working environment, which includes individually tailored, ergonomic and healthy workplace equipment.

SerNet regularly organizes health days in cooperation with various health insurance companies. The topics are selected according to the colleagues' wishes and current needs, e.g.

  • Balanced diet
  • Back health
  • Exercise
  • Stress prevention and management
  • Work-life balance for women, especially working mothers

We also offer:

  • Swimming tickets for the Eiswiese in Göttingen or the Berliner Bäder-Betriebe
  • Subsidy for lunch in an organic canteen

On the initiative of our colleagues, we participate in various regional sports events. In particular, the annual Göttinger Altstadtlauf is a fixture in the calendar. Several SerNet teams regularly take part.

Create satisfaction

Shape the working environment

We see working at SerNet as something special. For us, it is part of our social responsibility to shape the working environment positively and to provide impulses that address social changes that we can drive forward together.

Motivated teams with responsibility

At SerNet, we prefer flat hierarchies. We face daily challenges in our teams through trusting, open communication and thereby strive for a pleasant, collegial and respectful working atmosphere. Our colleagues appreciate and care for:

  • independent work
  • Feedback culture
  • constructive conflict resolution
  • clear distribution of roles
  • good organization
  • shared responsibility
  • creativity/diversity of ideas
  • the possibility to learn from and with each other (knowledge transfer)
  • the use of individual competencies

Family friendliness & work-life balance

SerNet wants to create a pleasant working environment. This includes the compatibility of family and career. Flexible working hours are crucial: they ensure a healthy balance between work and individual leisure time and underline mutual trust.

Further building blocks of our family-friendly corporate policy are:

  • possibility for "Home Office" (as required)
  • flexible parental leave – for both women and men
  • the best possible integration after returning to work – both for women and for men
  • trust-based working time
  • subsidy for day-care centre and kindergarten fees
Icon Family

Personnel and personal development

All colleagues have the opportunity to find their individual profile with us. This is why SerNet is very committed to the further development of core competencies. Through individual personnel development measures, we not only increase motivation, but also constantly question our products and services while taking social and ecological standards into account. We offer:

  • internal workshops
  • flexible working scope with regard to content
  • external training in conflict and time management
  • visits to fairs and conferences of one's own choice
  • participation in working groups e.g. Bitkom
  • freely selectable working groups (topic-specific).
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