SerNet, 2024

The NIS2 Directive (Network and Information Systems Directive) places significantly stricter requirements on cyber security in Europe. Whether a company is affected depends on the number of employees, annual turnover, balance sheet total and sector affiliation. The directive requires affected…

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Apprenticeship, SerNet, Events, 2024

On April 25, 2024, this year's Girls' Day at SerNet was dedicated to the world of servers, operating systems and open source software. Our trainees Lana Ellermeier, Jona Köhler, Fynn Köhler, Marius Meyer and Jannik Jessulat gave this year's six participants an insight into the world of their…

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SerNet, 2024

SerNet GmbH has a new team leader in Jonas Reineke. He took up his position in the "SI - Secure Infrastructures" department on January 1, 2024 and already had a few weeks to familiarize himself with his new but by no means unfamiliar tasks: His career at SerNet began almost 10 years ago as an…

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Apprenticeship, SerNet, Events, 2024

Authors: Caroline Ahlborn and Alina Schnur

SerNet GmbH once again took an unusual approach at this year's Göttinger Berufsinformationstag (GöBit) on 24.04.2024: The company not only presented the opportunities for training and studying at the trade fair - but also gave the current technical…

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SerNet GmbH has received the "Sophos Fastlane Award" from Infinigate. This award recognizes SerNet's commitment and achievements in the field of IT security, particularly with regard to the "Intercept X Endpoint" portfolio and next-generation firewall solutions.

Nadine Dreymann, Head of Sales &…

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