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Apprenticeship, Events, 2023

Girls’Day 2023 – A Review

At SerNet, Girls' Day on May 27, 2023 was all about servers, operating systems and programming commands. Trainees Jona Köhler, Fynn Köhler and Marius Meyer opened up the world of their IT systems integration training branch to this year's five female participants for an entire day.

The day started with a welcome note from SerNet trainers Oliver Seufer and Jonas Reineke. One of the participants shared why she had chosen to spend Girls' Day at SerNet: "My sister has already spent it here. She liked it so much that I wanted to do the same."

At SerNet, Future Day is deliberately designed as a Girls' Day exclusively for schoolgirls and is intended to offer them a first introduction to IT. Says Seufer, "Our mission is to promote women in technical professions. In the past, we had mixed groups. We noticed that the girls were much more reserved. Maybe because they thought the boys knew a lot more." Fittingly, Jule Anger, Samba Release Manager at SerNet, gave a presentation on the topic of "Women in IT."

The Girls' Day schedule and implementation were designed independently by the trainees. Reineke: "Girls' Day is a trainee project. The trainees' organizational skills are particularly in demand. The three of them really did a great job of implementing that this year!"

When programming a robot and creating an HTML page, the participants were able to put into practice what they had learned in a short time. There was something to win in a quiz with questions like "Is Debian a Windows operating system?" or "What does the command cd do?". So the girls could go home with small prizes and a lot of new knowledge.

The SerNet team hopes that the participants enjoyed the day. "We would be happy if we saw one or the other girl again in a few years for an internship or even for an apprenticeship as an IT specialist for system integration or application development with us," Seufer emphasizes.

Group Picture Girls'Day 2023
Group photo: The participants with the trainees and trainers.
Inside look into a server
A look inside a server.
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